Powerpoint With Animations To Pdf

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Certain Shapes and Effects have issues when they are published. The following is a list of the Shapes and Effects and their behaviors with both PPT and PPTX.

  1. Powerpoint Animation Tutorial
  2. Best Animations For Powerpoint

Jan 29, 2016  Re: How to export a powerpoint animation to pdf? Open your MS Power Point presentation and navigate to the 'View' panel. Click on Macros. Within the Macros panel type some dummy name (like 'test') and click on 'Create'. How to export MS Power Point Slides to a PDF file and keep Animations. Open your MS Power Point presentation and navigate to the 'View' panel. Click on Macros. Within the Macros panel type some dummy name (like 'test') and click on 'Create'. The IDE (integrated development environment) Microsoft.

Presenter Publish Output Visual Fidelity Issues (in both PPTX and PPT Formats) in Presenter 8 and Presenter 9

Issue DescriptionWork around for PPTXWork around for PPT


Fonts in a PowerPoint file published on a local server that does not contain the fonts are replaced in the published presentation.

Install the required fonts on the server.

Install the required fonts on the server.


Certain Underline Styles do not appear as expected when published in Office 2003 (as PPT files).

Only 'Single line' underline is supported for PPT files created in Office 2007.

Works correctly

No workaround


Compound Type Line styles (double, thick thin, thin thick, triple) are not honored in published output when applied on shape type objects.

Use the add 1% shadow workaround.

Use the add 1% shadow workaround.


Adobe Presenter doesn't support Images in the CMYK color space in PPT files. If such images are used in the PPT file, they sometimes aren't visible in the published presentation.

CMYK images are supported

Save the image file in the RGB color space, reinsert it in the presentation and publish.


For some cases, text inside textbox/placeholder overflows to next line in published output. This issue can be caused by not honoring kerning effects for some sans-serif fonts like Times new Roman, Georgia, and so on.

In case text overflows to the next line in the published output:

  • Simply increase the width of the textbox/placeholder in the presentation slide.
  • Alternatively, use the add 1% shadow workaround.

In case text overflows to the next line in the published output:

  • Simply increase the width of the textbox/placeholder in the presentation slide.
  • Alternatively, use the add 1% shadow workaround.


'Path' type gradient fill applied on shape objects show 'Rectangular' gradient effect for some non rectangular auto shapes in published output in PPT format unlike PowerPoint.

Works correctly

Saving those shapes as images on local disk and then insert it in required presentation slide or use the add 1% shadow workaround.


If Audio, Video or SWF is inserted in the Slide Master of a Presentation in Slide Master View, then it gets inserted only in the first slide. It does not get inserted in the rest of the slides.

Insert the assets in each of the slides in Normal view.

Insert the assets in each of the slides in Normal view.

Presenter Publish Output Animation Issues (in both PPTX and PPT format) in Presenter 8 and Presenter 9

Powerpoint Animation Tutorial

Issue DescriptionWork around for PPTXWork around for PPT


Animations applied to header, footer & slide number in Slide Master in Slide Master view are not honored in Presenter published output.

Slide Master View can be selected by going to View->Slide Master in PowerPoint Menu options. Animations applied to header, footer, and slide number on the Slide Master are lost in published output.

Apply animation to header, footer & slide number in normal slide view.

Apply animation in normal slide view, not in slide master


Random Effect animation of PowerPoint 2007 is not honored. This animation has been removed from PowerPoint 2010 and 2013.

Instead of Random Effect, the Appear/Disappear animation is applied to the Slide objects in the published output.

No Workaround

No Workaround


Certain 'Emphasis' animations applied on 'Shapes with effects' or 'Images' behave differently in slideshow and published output. Animations that exhibit this behavior include the following:

  • Change Font color
  • Change Line color
  • Change Font size
  • Change font type
  • Change font style
  • Bold flash
  • Bold reveal
  • Brush on underline
  • Teeter
  • Change Fill color
  • Vertical Highlight
  • complimentary color
  • complimentary color 2, contrasting color
  • Darken
  • Desaturate
  • Lighten

No Workaround

No Workaround


For slide having animations with total duration of animations on slide more than default playback duration of slide, the last animation is still playing and switching of next slide occurs in published output

Use Adobe Presenter 'Advance by User' setting from Slide Manager properties to play the complete animation before switching to next slide


Use 'Pause after each animation' option from Presentation Playback setting


Insert silence at end of the slide using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement

Use Adobe Presenter 'Advance by User' setting from Slide Manager properties to play the complete animation before switching to next slide


Use 'Pause after each animation' option from Presentation Playback setting


Insert silence at end of the slide using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement


'Repeat' does not work for Animation with settings until end of slide' and 'until next click'

No Workaround

No Workaround


(For Presenter inserted audio) If there are animations and audio on a slide in a Presentation, then slide duration of that slide is equal to the duration of the audio. It is not the maximum of animation and audio duration.

Add silence using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement and then synchronize animation and audio

Add silence using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement and then synchronize animation and audio


Custom animation effects on slide objects are not visible in Presenter Published output if audio is present on the same slide.

Synchronize animation with the audio using Synch Audio feature

Synchronize animation with the audio using Synch Audio feature

Adobe Presenter Publish Output Visual Fidelity Issues (specific to PPTX Format) in Presenter 8 and Presenter 9

Issue DescriptionWorkaround


Characters appear congested and bold for text having Font size <14 approx when compared with PowerPoint. Also, inter character spacing is less in published output for Century and Trebuchet MS fonts.

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Gradient (Radial, Path, Linear, Rectangular) when applied on line in PPTX file is not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.
Saving those shapes as images on local disk and then insert it in required presentation slide


'Equalize character height' effect used in PPTX file is not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Text direction set to 'Rotate all text 90 or 270 degree' using 'Format Text Effects'->'Textbox' properties, the text inside rotated shape does not appear in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Text direction set to 'Rotate all text 90 or 270 degree' using 'Format Text Effects'->'Textbox' properties, the text inside table does not rotate in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Text content used inside chart area can look little blurred in published output

Set 'Image Quality' to Loseless in Presentation Setting.


For Opulent theme (or places where text outline width is lower than 0.75 pt), text outline color slightly differs in published output if compared with PPTX file

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Concourse theme, default background color and gradient effects in PPTX file are not honored in Published output for non-English locales

Save background as an image and use the image as a background.


'Tile Picture as texture', 'Mirror Type' and 'Tiling Options' of Format Background feature in PPTX file are not honored entirely in published output

When publishing locally, set 1% shadow as a workaround to this issue.
But if PPTX is uploaded on connect from the browser (and not through add-in) then there is no workaround.


Square Transform Text Effect is not honored in published output

When publishing locally, set 1% shadow as a workaround to this issue.


For 'Lucida Sans Unicode' font, character size diminishes and character spacing increases in published output when compared with PPTX file

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For some fonts (Times New Roman, Lucida Console, Century, Courier New), 'Double strike through' and 'Underline' font effects are not published for font size <11.

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For GIF image format, Brightness, Contrast, Recolor picture effects are not honored in published output

No Workaround


Editing done in slide show mode by right-clicking and selecting Pointer Options (Ballpoint Pen, Felt Tip pen, or Highlighter) is not honored and not visible in published output for PPTX file

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


For bulleted text, the vertical line spacing between text lines increases with increase in bullet size percentage from 'Bullets and Numbering' properties dialog box. Text content sometimes overflows out of text placeholders

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Chinese locale, adding space char in middle of Chinese text breaks the line and move the content to next line in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Publish path having more than 190 characters loses the effects (Reflection, Shadow, Glow, Soft Edges, Bevel, 3D Rotation) applied on PowerPoint objects. More than 200-characters path in PowerPoint file fails to publish

Reduce the publish path length.


For customize Page Setup properties with dimensions of slide 22X20 inches and beyond, the content on the published output starts cropping

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


Fill color and bevel effects are dropped from slide content placeholder if placeholder has Transformed text on it

No Workaround


PPTX file created using non-English PowerPoint, 'Shape Fill or Shape Outline' applied on 'Subtitle or Picture placeholder' of 'Title Slide layout or Picture with Caption layout' respectively are not honored in published output

No Workaround


On saving PPT files having Presenter inserted SWF file as PPTX, system prompts to browse SWF file if source of SWF file is renamed or removed

Provide the path of required SWF file

Adobe Presenter Publish Output Animation Issues (specific to PPTX format) in Presenter 8 and Presenter 9

Issue DescriptionWorkaround


Paragraph level animation is supported on all except when 3D rotation & text transform is present on the text.

By letter and by character animations are not supported on any text with shadow/ref/3D/shadow/transform.

No Workaround


For shape/content placeholder containing text, animation does not work for shape with reflection/outer shadow /perspective shadow/3D Rotation Shape effects OR text with any 3D/Non-3D effects along with animation type 'As One Object' and deselected 'Animate attached shape'

No Workaround


'Change Color' and 'Hide on next Mouse Click' animation options do not work for last animation when total duration of animations on slide is more than default playback duration of slide

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


'By Word' or 'By letter' animation applied on text inside a shape does not work if the shape (or the text inside the shape) has some 3D/Non-3D effect applied on it.

No Workaround


Color typewriter animation with default speed (0.08 sec) applied on text, takes more time to complete in published output than slide show.

No Workaround


'Hide After Animation' effects applied along with 'By Word' or 'By Letter' animation leads to a different playback behavior in published output when compared with PowerPoint slideshow.

No Workaround


GIF animation can't be seen on GIF images while PowerPoint animation applied on GIF image is playing in published output

No Workaround


GIF animation can't be seen on GIF objects after applying effects (3d, bevel, soft edges, reflection) on animated GIF image in published output

No Workaround


Flicker, Color blend, Teeter, and Vertical highlight animation on Smart Arts, Shapes, and WordArt do not honor 'hide after animation'

No Workaround


Animation applied on individual elements of Charts does not appear in the published output.

No Workaround

Presenter Publish Output Visual Fidelity Issues (in both PPTX and PPT Formats) in Presenter 7

Issue DescriptionWork around for PPTXWork around for PPT


Fonts in a PowerPoint file published on a local server that does not contain the fonts are replaced in the published presentation.

Install the required fonts on the server.

Install the required fonts on the server.


Certain Underline Styles do not appear as expected when published.

  • For PPTX files, wavy line, wavy heavy line, and wavy double line underline appear in published output as single line. All other underline styles are supported.
  • If a PPTX file is saved as a PPT file and then published, then the single line underline appears for any underline style applied in PowerPoint 2007.

Only 'Single line' underline is supported for PPT files created in Office 2007.


Compound Type Line styles (double, thick thin, thin thick, triple) are not honored in published output when applied on shape type objects.

Use the add 1% shadow workaround.

Use the add 1% shadow workaround.


Adobe Presenter doesn't support Images in the CMYK color space. If such images are used in the PPT/PPTX file, they sometimes aren't visible in the published presentation.

Save the image file in the RGB color space, reinsert it in the presentation and publish.

Save the image file in the RGB color space, reinsert it in the presentation and publish.


For some cases, text inside textbox/placeholder overflows to next line in published output. This issue can be caused by not honoring kerning effects for some sans-serif fonts like Times new Roman, Georgia, and so on.

In case text overflows to the next line in the published output, simply increase the width of the textbox/placeholder in the presentation slide.

In case text overflows to the next line in the published output, simply increase the width of the textbox/placeholder in the presentation slide.


'Path' type gradient fill applied on shape objects show 'Rectangular' gradient effect for some non rectangular auto shapes in published output unlike PowerPoint.

Saving those shapes as images on local disk and then insert it in required presentation slide

Saving those shapes as images on local disk and then insert it in required presentation slide


If Audio, Video or SWF is inserted in the Slide Master of a Presentation in Slide Master View, then it gets inserted only in the first slide. It does not get inserted in the rest of the slides.

Insert the assets in each of the slides in Normal view.

Insert the assets in each of the slides in Normal view.

Publish Output Animation Issues (in both PPTX and PPT format) in Presenter 7

Issue DescriptionWork around for PPTXWork around for PPT


Animations applied to header, footer & slide number in Slide Master in Slide Master view are not honored in Presenter published output.

Slide Master View can be selected by going to View->Slide Master in PowerPoint Menu options. Animations applied to header, footer, and slide number on the Slide Master are lost in published output.

Apply animation to header, footer & slide number in normal slide view.

Apply animation in normal slide view, not in slide master


Random Effect' Animation, applied to slide objects in a PowerPoint Presentation, is not respected in published output. Instead of Random Effect, the Appear/Disappear animation is applied to the Slide objects in the published output.

No Workaround

No Workaround


Certain 'Emphasis' animations applied on 'Shapes with effects' or 'Images' behave differently in slideshow and published output. Animations that exhibit this behavior include the following:

  • Change Font color
  • Change Line color
  • Change Font size
  • Change font type
  • Change font style
  • Bold flash
  • Bold reveal
  • Brush on underline
  • Teeter
  • Change Fill color
  • Vertical Highlight
  • Complementary color
  • Complementary color 2, contrasting color
  • Darken
  • Desaturate
  • Lighten

No Workaround

No Workaround


For slide having animations with total duration of animations on slide more than default playback duration of slide, the last animation is still playing and switching of next slide occurs in published output

Use Adobe Presenter 'Advance by User' setting from Slide Manager properties to play the complete animation before switching to next slide


Use 'Pause after each animation' option from Presentation Playback setting


Insert silence at end of the slide using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement

Use Adobe Presenter 'Advance by User' setting from Slide Manager properties to play the complete animation before switching to next slide


Use 'Pause after each animation' option from Presentation Playback setting


Insert silence at end of the slide using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement


'Repeat' does not work for animation with settings until end of slide' and 'until next click'

No Workaround

No Workaround


If there are animations and audio on a slide in a Presentation, then slide duration of that slide is equal to the duration of the audio. It is not the maximum of animation and audio duration.

Add silence using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement and then synchronize animation and audio

Add silence using audio editor to make slide duration as per requirement and then synchronize animation and audio


Custom animation effects on slide objects are not visible in Presenter Published output if audio is present on the same slide.

Synchronize animation with the audio using Synch Audio feature

Synchronize animation with the audio using Synch Audio feature

Adobe Presenter Publish Output Visual Fidelity Issues (specific to PPTX Format) in Presenter 7

Issue DescriptionWorkaround


Flipping of shape/textbox containing text using the rotate option (horizontal/vertical) from 'Arrange' group in 'Format' ribbon in PPTX file results in flipping of text along with the textbox in published output instead of just flipping textbox as in PPTX file

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.
Create the file by selecting the textbox and then rotating the text box horizontally/vertically with the handle above it as desired.


Text alignment inside certain nonrectangular auto shapes is not honored in published output, which can result in text overflow/displacement of text inside auto shapes

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Characters appear congested and bold for text having Font size <14 approx when compared with PowerPoint. Also, intercharacter spacing is less in published output for Century and Trebuchet MS fonts.

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Gradient (Radial, Path, Linear, Rectangular) when applied on line in PPTX file is not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.
Saving those shapes as images on local disk and then insert it in required presentation slide


'Small caps font' effect used in PPTX file is not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


'Equalize character height' effect used in PPTX file is not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Text direction set to 'Rotate all text 90 or 270 degree' using 'Format Text Effects'->'Textbox' properties, the text inside rotated shape does not appear in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Text direction set to 'Rotate all text 90 or 270 degree' using 'Format Text Effects'->'Textbox' properties, the text inside table does not rotate in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Text content used inside chart area can look a little blurred in published output

Use Lossless in image quality, publish settings.


For Opulent theme (or places where text outline width is less than 0.75 pt), text outline color slightly differs in published output if compared with PPTX file

Saving PPTX file as PPT can give better results but still there would be slight loss of color quality in published output


For Concourse theme, default background color and gradient effects in PPTX file are not honored in Published output for non-English locales

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


'Tile Picture as texture', 'Mirror Type' and 'Tiling Options' of Format Background feature in PPTX file are not honored entirely in published output

Right click on slide in PowerPoint and choose 'Save Background As' to save the slides' background as an image, and then set this image as slide background.


Reflection, Shadow & Glow effects are lost in published output when applied on grouped shape

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Save those shapes as images on local disk and then insert it in required presentation slide


Square Transform Text Effect is not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For 'Lucida Sans Unicode' font, character size diminishes and character spacing increases in published output when compared with PPTX file

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For some fonts (Times New Roman, Lucida Console, Century, Courier New), 'Double strike through' and 'Underline' font effects are not published for font size <11.

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Certain Picture Recolor options applied using the 'Adjust' picture Tools from 'Format' ribbon in PPTX, are not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For GIF image format, Brightness, Contrast, Recolor picture effects are not honored in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Format Shape feature of PPTX in Fill tab, with Gradient Fill selected and Rotate with shape option deselected, published output results in gradient also getting rotated along with shape instead of only shape getting rotated as in PPTX file

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Save the formatted shape on local disk and then insert it in required presentation slide


Editing done in slide show mode by right-clicking and selecting Pointer Options (Ballpoint Pen, Felt Tip pen, or Highlighter) is not honored and not visible in published output for PPTX file

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish

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Properties in Fill tab of Format picture in PPTX file are not honored for PNG image format in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For bulleted text, the vertical line spacing between text lines increases with increase in bullet size percentage from 'Bullets and Numbering' properties dialog box. Text content sometimes overflows out of text placeholders

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For Chinese locale, adding space char in middle of Chinese text breaks the line and move the content to next line in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For inbuilt 'Horizon' type gradient fill (or gradient fill with number of gradient stops 8 or higher) inside shape objects, the visual disparity is seen near the outer edges of a shape object in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Underline color is not honored if text and underline color is changed together by changing the text color inside auto shapes

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Publish path having more than 190 characters loses the effects (Reflection, Shadow, Glow, Soft Edges, Bevel, 3D Rotation) applied on PowerPoint objects. More than 200-characters path in PowerPoint file fails to publish

Reduce the length of publish path.


For customize Page Setup properties with dimensions of slide 22X20 inches and beyond, the content on the published output starts cropping

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


For line callouts shapes having begin or end arrow, the arrow position changes from begin to end if the line size of callout is modified

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


For non-bulleted text, the explicit tab stop position is not honored, and instead of it, default tab stop position is used in published output; when explicit tab stop position is placed after 'Before Text' Indentation and hanging indentation is not zero. This results in displacing the text by adding extra indentation in published output

Apply 1% shadow on the textbox or shape.


Fill color and bevel effects are dropped from slide content placeholder if placeholder has Transformed text on it

No Workaround


PPTX file created using non-English PowerPoint, 'Shape Fill or Shape Outline' applied on 'Subtitle or Picture placeholder' of 'Title Slide layout or Picture with Caption layout' respectively are not honored in published output

No Workaround


On saving PPT files having Presenter inserted SWF file as PPTX, system prompts to browse SWF file if source of SWF file is renamed or removed

Provide the path of required SWF file

Adobe Presenter Publish Output Animation Issues (specific to PPTX format) for Presenter 7

Issue DescriptionWorkaround


Paragraph level Text animation does not work for Group text animation other than 'As one object' if Reflection/Outer/Perspective Shadow/3D-Rotation is applied on shape or any 3D/Non-3D effect is applied on text inside shape

No Workaround


For shape/content placeholder containing text, animation does not work for shape with reflection/outer shadow /perspective shadow/3D Rotation Shape effects OR text with any 3D/Non-3D effects along with animation type 'As One Object' and deselected 'Animate attached shape'

No Workaround


Paragraph level Text animations other than 'As one object' applied on single-line text with any 3D/Non-3D effect gets dropped in published output

No Workaround


Spinner animation on a rotated text/image in PPTX file is not honored correctly in published output

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


Shape reappears on slide if the Exit animation is applied after applying following emphasis animations (Change Fill Color, Blast, Teeter, Color Blend)

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


'Change Color' and 'Hide on next Mouse Click' animation options do not work for last animation when total duration of animations on slide is more than default playback duration of slide

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


If two consecutive motion path animations are applied on an object, such that the second animation starts from the end point of the first motion path, the object hops some distance after the first animation before playing the second animation

Save the PPTX file as PPT and then publish


'Repeat' does not work correctly for clipping type Exit animations (Diamond, Wheel, Wipe, Box, Checkerboard, and so on)

No Workaround


Shape object goes out of slide area when 'Grow/Shrink' animation is applied after Entrance animation (Fly In, Curve up or Crawl In) and 'Start' value of the animations is 'With Previous'. Also, with 'Pinwheel' & 'Spinner' Entrance animation, the shapes don't appear completely on the slide; only a tiny portion of the shape is seen in the published o/p which flicker couple of times

No Workaround


'By Word' or 'By letter' animation applied on text inside a shape does not work if the shape (or the text inside the shape) has some 3D/Non-3D effect applied on it.

No Workaround


Color typewriter animation with default speed (0.08 sec) applied on text takes more time to complete in published output than slide show.

No Workaround


'Hide After Animation' effects applied along with 'By Word' or 'By Letter' animation leads to a different playback behavior in published output when compared with PowerPoint slideshow.

No Workaround


'Change Line Color' animation does not work on shape objects in published output

No Workaround


Animation sound does not play in published output

No Workaround


GIF animation can't be seen on GIF images while PowerPoint animation applied on GIF image is playing in published output

No Workaround


GIF animation can't be seen on GIF objects after applying effects (3d, bevel, soft edges, reflection) on animated GIF image in published output

No Workaround


Flicker, Color blend, Teeter, and Vertical highlight animation on Smart Arts, Shapes, and WordArt do not honor 'hide after animation'

No Workaround


Time durations are not respected for 'Style Emphasis' animations; it plays until end of slide in published output

Save PPTX file as PPT and then publish


Grow/Shrink animation does not play properly on Straight/ curved or elbow connectors in published output. Instead of grow/shrink, connector moves in different directions.

Save PPTX file as PPT and then publish


Entrance/Exit 'Spinner' animation and Emphasis 'Spin' animation do not play properly on Straight, Vertical-type Elbow, Long curve connectors in published output. The connectors moves in or out of the slide area instead of spinning.

Save PPTX file as PPT and then publish


'Auto-reverse' is not respected in motion-path animations if 'repeat' is applied on the animation.

Save PPTX file as PPT and then publish


After first Motion Path animation, second Motion Path animation starts from destination of first Motion Path rather than source point contrary to PowerPoint slide show behavior

Apply Auto-reverse on the first motion path animation


Animation applied on individual elements of Charts does not appear in the published output.

No Workaround

Problem Description


PowerePoint inserted video -> Animation, 3D, shadow, reflection, glow are not supported on PowerePoint inserted video.


Equations -> By word, by letter, by paragraph animations do not work on equations.


Actions -> Mouse over, mouse click actions on same object will not work simultaneously.


Animation triggers -> Animating one object on two triggered timelines simultaneously.


Slide transitions -> All 2007 slide transitions are supported except comb and newsflash. New transitions of PP 2010 and 2013 are not supported.

  • 3D Effects: Bevel Effect, 3D Rotation
  • Non 3D Effects: Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Soft edges, Text Transform

Applying 1% shadow workaround is used for any shape/textbox where you are seeing a difference between PowerPoint and Presenter's output.

Note: Applying this workaround causes loss of color animations. If your shape does not have color animation, you can apply 1 % shadow on the shape.

A 1 % shadow forces Presenter to rasterize the shape using PowerPoint VBA APIs. The look of the shape is the same as it is in PowerPoint.

The drawback of this approach is:

  • All color animations on the shape are lost because Presenter does not support color changing animation on images. However, 1 % shadow does not change any display behavior of the shape in PowerPoint.
  • It does not work when a PPTX file is uploaded on Adobe Connect using the browser directly (and not through Adobe Connect stand-alone add-in). So when you want to use this workaround on Adobe Connect:
    • Make sure you are using AdobeConnect stand-alone add-in
    • Publish the PPTX locally, and then upload the published output on Adobe Connect.

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