Install Sqlite Windows

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SQLite offers a lot of different installation packages, depending on your operating systems. It also offers a lot of APIs for a broad range of programming languages.

In this tutorial, you will learn-

Download & Install SQLite Package Installer

  1. Over the summer of 2012, Microsoft announced support for SQLite on both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. This is exciting news because it allows developers to build enterprise and consumer apps that utilize the world’s most widely used embedded database engine. We all know that there’s no such.
  2. SQLite is a great little embeddable database engine that’s meant to be self-contained, easy to use and not require configuration. However when I tried to use it in my Ruby code I found that it wasn’t that straight forward getting everything to work, especially if you’re using Ruby on windows.

See the How To Compile SQLite page for additional information on how to use the raw SQLite source code. Note that a recent version of Tcl is required in order to build from the repository sources. The amalgamation source code files (the 'sqlite3.c' and 'sqlite3.h' files) build products and are not contained in raw source code tree.

Installation packages available for Windows 10 users:

SQLite (64-bit) for PC – Previously Richard Hipp was created software named SQLite (64-bit), a Developer Tools app for Windows. This application also works with Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 Operating System. How to Install Sqlite3 on Windows 10. Sqlite is a serverless relational database management system, what we called as an embedded database. It is very lightweight and very easy to use. In this article we are going to see how to install sqlite database on Microsoft windows 10 operating system.

From the SQLite official website in the download section. The following screenshot allows you to download different SQLite's installation packages for Windows:

The command line shell program:

The highlighted download package is called the Command-Line Program (CLP). CLP is a command line application that let you access the SQLite database management system and all the features of the SQLite. Using CLP, you can create and manage the SQLite database. And it is the tool that we will use throughout the tutorial. Rapoo v20 driver.

  • 32-bit DLL(x86): The SQLite Database system core library for x86 platforms.
  • 64-bit DLL (x64): The SQLite Database system core library for x64 platforms.

Installing the Command-Line Program (CLP) on your machine:

In the following steps, you will find the steps for how to install the Command-Line Program (CLP) on your machine:

Step 1) Download the highlighted download package from the previous image to your PC. It is a 'zip' file.

Step 2) Extract the zip file. You will find the 'sqlite3.exe' in the extracted file as following:

Sqlite shell download

Step 3) Open My Computer, and double-click the partition 'C' to navigate to it:

Step 4) Create a new directory 'sqlite':

Step 5) Copy the file 'sqlite3.exe' into it. This is what we will use through the tutorials to run SQLite queries:

However, there are some other packages for different purposes. They are not required. But you might need it if you are using a different OS than Windows you can get the Linux or Mac OS version of SQLite.

Install Sqlite3 Windows 10

Also, you can get the documentation or source code from there if you wish. You can also get the API for Windows Phone 8 or .Net and other programming languages.

Here are some other different packages for different purposes:

  • The Source Code and some alternative Source Code Formats – The complete source code that made up the SQLite.
  • The documentation – The documentation of the SQLite as HTML pages. It is the same online documentation, but downloadable as HTML page so that you can open them offline.
  • Precompiled Binaries for Linux.
  • Precompiled Binaries for Mac OS X (x86).
  • Precompiled Binaries for Windows Phone 8 – SDK and components to develop an application for Windows Phone 8 that uses SQLite databases.
  • Precompiled Binaries for Windows Runtime – SDK and other components for developing an application to connect to SQLite databases for the Windows Runtime platforms.
  • Precompiled Binaries for .NET – these are some set of DLLs and .NET libraries that you can use them from .NET application to connect to SQLite databases.

SQLite Studio – Manager and Administration

There are lots of SQLite management tools that make working with SQLite databases easier. Instead of creating and managing databases using a command line, these tools provide a set of GUI tools that let you create and manage the database.

The official SQLite website has dozens of such tools listed; you can view them from here: SQLite Management Tools. Here is the recommended one

SQLite Studio: It is a portable tool that doesn't require an installation. It supports both SQLite3 and SQLite2. You can easily import and export data to various formats like CSV, HTML, PDF, JSON. Its open source and supports Unicode.

Introducing Sample database

In the following steps, we will create the sample database that we will use throughout the tutorials:

Step 1) Open a text file and paste the following commands into it:

Step 2) Save the file as 'TutorialsSampleDB.sql' in the following directory 'C:sqlite'.

Step 3) Open the Windows Command Line tool (cmd.exe) from the start menu, type 'cmd' and open it.

Step 4) It will open in the default path, you need to navigate to the 'C:sqlite' folder we had created earlier in this tutorial by the following command 'cd 'C:sqlite':

Step 5) Write the following command,

The command should be completed successfully, and you should see no output after that command as the following screenshot:

Step 6) You should now be able to see the database file 'TutorialsSampleDB.db' created in the directory 'C:sqlite':

Active5 years, 6 months ago

How do I install SQLite 3.6 on Windows 7?

I extracted sqlite3.exe, sqlite3.dll, and sqlite3.def to C:WindowsSystem32 but when I try to run a Ruby program that requires the use of sqlite3, I get this error:

The program can't start because sqlite3.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Peter Mortensen
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4 Answers

I would try adding the path to SQLite in PATH.

Supplemental: SQLite 3 is not 'installed'. It's a DLL, usually unregistered. Most software using SQLite 3 will rely on a local copy or one referenced in an environment variable.

11.9k11 gold badges72 silver badges119 bronze badges

Just tried this on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Didn't like it when I put it in the ruby/bin folder. Didn't like the WinodwsSystem32 either.. put it in the Windowssystem and it ran.. go figure.. anyway fyi for 64bit.


Windows 7 64 bit here as well, putting them in Windowssystem did it for me.

Actually I was installing this for HDBC and Haskell following the instructions at Period mod download sims 4.

The only difference for Windows 7 64 bit is in the below instruction -

'Put “sqlite3.dll” from sqlitedll-3*.zip into ghc --print-libdir and into %windir%system32.'

The file should be copied into the Windowssystem instead of the %windir%system32 folder.


I had this problem when trying to run Rake (bundle exec rake db:migrate).

I tried setting the PATH, and copying the SqlLite binaries to C:WindowsSystem32 but to no avail.

Finally solved it by copying the binaries to my Ruby bin directory (C:Ruby192bin), based on advice from this post:

16.3k35 gold badges117 silver badges188 bronze badges

Install Sqlite Windows 64 Bit

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