Microsoft Flip Book Template

Posted on by admin
For the benefit of those who want to produce a Flip-page magazine / brochure style website but have little or no experience in web design, here is a step by step technique to achieve this with Microsoft Publisher 2000 / 2003 / 2007.

Note that the basics of this technique may also be used in part with some versions of MS Word, MS Office web, and FrontPage albeit with variations as these are in-line web editors, whereas Publisher is not.

Design your own book layout for print in Microsoft Word with these free book formatting templates and tutorials! Or picture the pages on my hand and flip my palm. Paper flip eBook features. With the page-flipping ebook you have created, your book readers will be able to: 1. Show flip effect on the page corner at the very beginning. Drag the corner to flip a page. Click page shadows to flip a page. Input password to unlock encrypted pages. Single/Double Page view.

Here goes:

Step 1:

Create a new Publisher web document and add pages so the document contains the number of magazine / brochure pages you require + 1 extra page. Note that the number of Flip magazine / brochure pages must be even.

Step 2:

Starting on page 2 of the Publisher web document, design each page of the magazine or brochure include all pictures and text but DO NO INCLUDE PAGE LINKS, then Save As Web Page.

Note that you will need to experiment with text and picture sizes as the Flip book will be displayed smaller than the full size pages and also 2 pages in this small format will need to fit side by side on the screen.

Step 3:

Create a new folder and name it flipshots or whatever else you wish.

Step 4:

Open the Publish folder where the web pages were saved and double-click on each page, one at a time, to display the page on your local browser.

While each page is displayed, reduce the page view using the Zoom Out command so the page fits just short of the screen. Then press F11 to go to full screen mode, and take a screen shot (Shift + Print Screen). Retrieve the screen shot by pasting it into your favorite Photo editor or Graphic editor.

Delete all the content of the Publish folder where the web pages were saved.

Step 5:

When the screen shot of every page has been retrieved, use your Photo or Graphic editor to crop all images of pages to the same size and save them in the folder you created in step 3.

Step 6:

Go back to your original Publisher document from step1, and add page-links to each of the full size pages except the first page (no links needed on page1) and whatever other links you require for individual items on the page and for whatever purpose.

Suggestion: you could name your page-links Page One, Previous, Next, and Flip Book which is the index.

Pokemon yellow for free. Well While it can have color if played on a GBC this game can be played on the original GameBoy (most GBC can’t), wikipedia, gamefaqs and mobygames and the box art, all show it as a GB game so, i can’t argue with all that.But Nico, it has colors!I know right, there’s a bunch of GB games that when played on SGB or GBA mode will display some colors. The game ROM file comes format. Pokemon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition is a RPG video game published by Game Freak, Nintendo released on October 19, 1999 for the GameBoy.CRC32: 7d527d62There’s some debate on the internet about wheteher this is a GameBoy Color game or a regular Game Boy game. Description:Download Pokemon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition ROM for the GameBoy.

See demo at:

It enables you to scan countless objects using as well as third-party 3D sensors ( only).This manual will show you how to use the application as well as your 3D scanner to quickly and easily create great-looking 3D models. Use the left panel to get an overview of the entire manual, or refer to the. 3d scanning software download. Consult the to find references for specific parameters that appear in processing algorithms. Also, take a look at the section for a key that describes how we highlight semantic elements.The incomplete list of chapters below is intended to clarify the document structure. To get the most out of the documentation, review the various we use throughout.

Step 7:

Click on Tools in the top menu bar and make sure Snap to Objects is ticked. If it isn’t, click on it.

On the first page of your original Publisher web document, insert any two of the cropped screen shots from the folder in step 3. Then drag one of them to line-up in the top left corner of the page and drag the other right next to it.

Step 8:

Next, click on the HTML fragment tool on the left side tool bar and drag the cross-hair cursor so it snaps to the top left side of the left screen shot. Drag the cursor to the right so it snaps on the top right corner of the right screen shot, then drag the cursor down to the bottom right corner of the right screen shot and let go of the mouse button.


An HTML fragment dialog box which reads <! - - insert your HTML here - -> has now opened. Delete all of the text inside, and leave it there for the time being.

Now, for legal and ethical reasons I cannot reproduce the copyright script required to go in the HTML box, so here’s what you do:

Go on the web and call up

Copy the script (Ctrl + C) listed in step 1 of the script page, then paste it (Ctrl + V) into the HTML dialog box on your Publisher web document. Next ‘Save As’ in a temporary or other convenient folder the placeholder.gifimage in step 2 of the script page. Ignore step 3 of the script page for now.

Read the ‘Customizing’ instructions on the script page and edit the variables of the script to suit your project. Pay particular attention to the pictures name including the picture folder name and link reference in the script, i.e: 'image-folder-name/picture-name.jpg','page-number.html ( or htm as the case may be)' making sure that each image in the Flip Book is linked to its corresponding full size webpage.

When it’s all done, click OK to close the HTML fragment dialog box and click on the ‘Send to Back’ icon on the top tool bar to send the HTMl frame under the two screen shots. Next, deselect the HTML fragment frame and delete the two screen shots, so only the HTML fragment frame remains on the page.

Microsoft Flip Book Template

Step 9:

Next, save the Publisher web documentand also Save As Web Page.

Step 10:

Move or copy the folder containing the cropped screen shots into the Publish folder from step 9.

Flip Book Template For Word

Move or copy the placeholder.gif image you saved from the script page into the Publish folder from step 9.

Step 11:

Open the Publish folder and double-click on the index.html (or .htm depending on which version of Publisher you are using) to launch the webpage on your local Internet Explorer.

Click on Page on the top menu bar and click on Edit with Notepad. When the Notepad document is open, find the <body . . . >tag and type:onload='ImageBook()', just before the closing arrow ‘>’

Step 12:

Double-click each web page in the Publish document, one at a time, and using >Page > Edit with Notepad center the page according to the appropriate procedure for the version of Publisher you are using ( for Publisher 2000, insert the tag <center> between </head> and <body. . .>).

Microsoft Flip Book Software

Step 13:

Book Template For Word

Finally upload the entire content of the Publish folder on your host server.